Corey Flanders received their Ph.D. from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa in Social Psychology as well as a graduate certificate in Women’s Studies. As an applied social psychologist, Flanders’ work focuses on addressing social issues and promoting positive social change. In particular, they use tools from psychology, gender studies, and public health to investigate concerns related to identity and health equity among marginalized communities with an emphasis on working with young queer and trans people.
Flanders implements mixed-methods and community-based research approaches to identify mental and sexual health disparities experienced by gender and sexual minority people, as well as to explore potential pathways for promoting health equity in these areas. They use a social ecological model with an intersectional focus to understand how interrelationships between individual, interpersonal, community, and societal factors can promote and inhibit mental and sexual wellbeing. Recently, Flanders has focused on understanding how to reduce sexual violence disparities experienced by bisexual, trans, and nonbinary people.
Similar to their research interests, Flanders’ teaching focuses on critical applied perspectives in social psychology and human sexuality, incorporating mixed-methods and community-based research approaches into psychological research methods, and health equity as it applies to gender and sexual minority communities. They also teach advanced qualitative methods.
Areas of Expertise
identity; health equity; queer and trans health; mixed-methods; qualitative methods
- Ph.D., M.A., University of Hawai'i
- B.A., University of Kansas