Fire Evacuation Procedures (Residence Halls)

If you discover or suspect a fire

  1. Pull the building fire alarm to alert people in the hall.
  2. Dial 911 to give the exact location of the fire.
  3. If you can do so safely, close the door to the room containing the fire to prevent its spread.
  4. If you can do so safely and after taking the above steps, use the fire extinguisher to put out small fires.

Evacuation procedures

The following procedures should be followed each and every time you hear the fire alarm. Students who fail to vacate the residence hall during an alarm or scheduled pull are subject to a fire safety violation and must meet with their Area Coordinator.

  1. Put on a warm coat, mask and shoes. If they are accessible, grab your room key and one card.
  2. Close windows. Leave shades up (as an aid to the fire department).
  3. Leave only the ceiling light on and the door unlocked so the fire officials can check quickly that everyone has evacuated.
  4. Before passing through any doors, feel the metal door knob. If it is hot, do not open the door; find an alternate exit.
  5. In case of smoke, take a towel to cover your nose and mouth.
  6. If you can open the door (if it is not hot), brace yourself against it and open it slowly to make sure there is no heat nor heavy smoke on the other side. If there is, close it again.
  7. If there is any smoke in the air, stay low near the floor and crawl toward the exit.
  8. Exit via stairwells. Do not use an elevator.
  9. Alert others as you leave. Yell, "Fire!" Knock on doors.
  10. Go quickly and quietly outside to your hall fire safety zone and answer roll call. Observe masking policies when gathering.

After evacuating the building, stand clear of it

  • Keep out of roadways and vehicle pathways. Allow fire-fighting vehicles and equipment room to maneuver.
  • Follow the directions of the residential life staff, Public Safety and Service, and the fire department.
  • Do not attempt to go back into the building until after the commanding officer from the fire department gives clearance.

What to do if you are trapped by fire

  • If all exits are blocked, go back to your room.
  • Keep your door closed.
  • Pack the space under the door with towels or other materials to keep smoke out.
  • Open the windows from the top, if possible, to let fresh air in.
  • Let people know you are trapped. Wave a towel or pillowcase out the window, yell, or if possible, call the fire department or Public Safety and Service at 911.
  • Stay low, on the floor, near the window.

What to do if someone is on fire

  • Don't panic. Serious injury can be avoided if the flames are extinguished quickly.
  • Prevent the person from running, which fans the flames and takes the person farther from help.
  • Get the person on the ground and roll them over and over to smother the flames. Use a blanket if one is available.

Residence Hall Fire Safety Evacuation Locations

All students should proceed to the following fire safety evacuation location anytime the alarm sounds in the building. The residence hall staff and emergency personnel will meet all residents at this location to account for residents and provide safety information. During severe inclement weather, campus personnel will direct residents to the appropriate in-door location. Residents should never stand in roadways or the sidewalk directly adjacent to the building.

The fire safety location for 1837
1837 Hall
Abbey Hall fire safety location
Abbey Hall
Brigham Hall fire safety location
Brigham Hall
Buckland Hall fire safety location
Buckland Hall
Creighton Hall fire safety location (next to Rooke Theater)
Creighton Hall
Dickinson Hall fire safety location
Dickinson Hall
Ham Hall fire safety location
Ham Hall
MacGregor Hall fire safety location
MacGregor Hall
North Mandelle fire safety location
North Mandelle
South Mandelle fire safety location
South Mandelle
Mead Hall fire safety location
Mead Hall
Pearsons Hall fire safety location
Pearsons Hall
Pearsons Annex fire safety location
Pearsons Annex
Porter Hall fire safety location
Porter Hall
Prospect Hall fire safety location
Prospect Hall
North Rockefeller fire safety location
North Rockefeller
South Rockefeller fire safety location
South Rockefeller
Safford Hall fire safety location
Safford Hall
Torrey Hall fire safety location
Torrey Hall
Wilder Hall fire safety location
Wilder Hall